8 Resume Do Nots

8 Resume Do Nots

Listing skills, technical competencies, association memberships, trainings and education never go out of style and should be included to help the hiring manager know that you are a relevant member of the workforce and can add value to their company. There are special emphasis that special populations should be sure to include on their resumes, such as linked in profiles, twitter accounts and professional Facebook accounts in a hyperlink.. Be sure that your resume keeps you among the relevant workers who make a difference. For complete article, see http://www.localjobnetwork.com/a/t-8-resume-do-nots-au-debra-ann-matthews-articles-a6756.html.

I Want _ *_ * To Happen For Me In My Professional Life – 3 Ways 2 Prepare For Greater Work Satisfaction

I am Grateful, But I want _ to happen for me in my professional life…

You Can BET on 3 Ways to Start Preparing for Greater Work Satisfaction

By Debra Ann Matthews, Let Me Write It For YOU! Job-Winning Résumés November 12, 2012

1) Be certain that you understand what you have to offer to the work force. See The Occupational Outlook Handbook  @ http://www.bls.gov  for ideas on the greatest attributes that workers can offer in their professions. If you don’t know this, your value doesn’t exist! KNOW IT! SPEAK IT! DEMONSTRATE IT. VALUE = An Invitation to Succeed!

2) Exercise your Right to join an association of like-minded professionals. See the Directory of Associations & Organizations @ www.ccqweb.org/assocations  to network, increase trainings and understand how to obtain certifications, credentials and other recognitions that will help you to stand out in the profession.  American Express always advised us, “Membership Has Its Privileges”.

3) Take advantage of all online resources to really understand how your skills, attributes and values can be put to the test in a career track that will lead you to satisfaction. Be certain that you will have to pay your dues at first, however, once you understand the types of jobs that reflect your skills you are well on your way!  For example, if you are a super organized person who loves pets, you may find your career as a Quality Assurance Professional working with animals. Perhaps you can work with lobbyists who watch for fair and honest treatment of animals or as a representative with Extension Agencies supervising the ethical treatment of animals on farms. See Quintessential Careers (www.quintcareers.com) for more updates on careers that enhance Your Skills.

Once you understand what you bring to the table, you can BET that you are well on your way to a seeking the opportunities that will lead to your success. Think about what you do that makes you feel happy, proud, and feel as if you would work for free! Don’t believe people who say that you can’t earn a living doing what you love to do. It’s not true! If you focus and understand your value, understand the market and set sail in that direction, You can BET that you are well on your way!

Let Me Write It For You offers clients assistance in identifying the best ways to highlight their skills and proven attributes with their future job/career  aspirations with targeted résumés and other professional correspondence. All articles are available for re-publishing as long as credit is given to Debra Ann Matthews and Let Me Write It For YOU. Additional information can be obtained from http://jobwinningresumes.net or @ http://www.linkedin.com/in/letmewriteit4u or by calling 931-269-WR1T (9718). Copyright 2012 by Debra Ann Matthews.