2 Things your resume shows people about who you are

You look good every day. Fresh, ironed and pressed slacks, nice subtle jewelry, and you display the look of an ideal professional who has what it takes to shine. Then you open your mouth! WHEEEEE ! You say such dumb things as, “I’m over qualified”, “I’m too young”, “I’ve been black balled”, or “It’s hard for me cause I don’t fit in”. And believe me, more than not, I can almost guarantee you that this is not the case. When you think such dumb things, it’s almost certain that you have not utilized your energy to understand how to navigate the job market with your career communications and networking power.

What do people really see when they see you on paper? What message does your career communications shout to colleagues, mentors, and hiring managers. Know!
What do people really see when they see you on paper? What message does your career communications shout to colleagues, mentors, and hiring managers. Know!

We could look at your cover letter, bio, LinkedIn profile, professional associations and relevant industry service, but let’s take a second to start with your resume. Your resume speaks about who you are as a professional. It displays to people 3 Things:

Thing 1 – Your resume shows people how much you stay current with social media and career communication trends. When you know that you should have a different look for a printed resume, a scannable resume, an electronic resume and a web resume, then you are viewed as on top of your game to get noticed by key stakeholders! There are variations in typeset, font, enhancements, size, formats, preferred lengths, paper color and white space that each type of resume should consider to obtain maximum exposure.

Thing 2 – Your resume says, ” I KNOW THAT I AM SHOWING NOT TELLING“! Your resume is a marketing document. When prepared properly, the person who’s eyes your resume will not have one question except, “When can I talk, text, skype or meet this person to discuss how he or she can solve my pain!”.

As you prepare your resume, you will signify indisputably the professional area that you have passion for and desire to continue to help companies solve their issues as a subject matter expert. You have offered specific skilled information and have polished and perfected your content so much so that each sentence, phrase and section highlights your strengths, accomplishments, achievements and unique marketing value using $’s, #’s and %.

Many people have been saying to me via social media, that they are not getting the results that they seek. It’s because your resume is showing people that you are one thing and your personal perception of who are you is saying another. 

We hope that you find this article interesting and relevant to your professional development and job search. Let us know how your career communications show people who you are. Email us at letmewriteitforyou@gmail.com, connect with us on linkedin.com, or view our website.

2 Tips to defend your resume

When getting ready to be attacked or violated, most people are not paying attention and become victims of circumstance walking in dark alleys or carrying huge purses that shout to criminals, “Take Me!” Have you prepared your job search strategy such that you don’t should out, “Here I am, ready to be assaulted?”  Resumes are a major component that needs defending. Let’s give you 5 tips to consider defending your job-winning resume?

As a motivated job-seeker, you must plan for the attach on your career communications ! Be ready to defend your resume with the details that prove your professional value !
As a motivated job-seeker, you must plan for the attach on your career communications ! Be ready to defend your resume with the details that prove your professional value !
  1. Tip #1 – Take a stance! One good way to ward off the resume criminals is to stand! A resume that is grounded and is sure of itself is sure to be safe. No longer is it acceptable to have one resume fit all solutions. Resumes are marketing documents that offer a solution to industries problems and pains and are specific to an industry. So are you in sales?   Are you an administrative specializing within the medical field? Are you a recent graduate interested in expanding your career in public relations? To take a stance, stand within your professional field. Hiring managers can receive your resume better when they know who you are professionally.
  2. Tip #2 – Arm your self ! To defend your resume, you must be armed with skills. We all know that you have worked and followed protocol. If not, you would have been fired. But hiring managers are looking for people who do more than is required. How have you armed your self with career skills that protect like pepper sprays and mace? Where have you gone to extend your knowledge base beyond the basics? Do you read industry publications? Attend monthly professional lunches? To help your resume defend against being thrown away, a good defense is to have in your arsenal, training experiences, certifications, advanced knowledge from your career area to showcase on your resume.

Keep in mind that to get the attention of hiring manager and recruiters, you must be able to defend your resume demonstrating that you are a good fit for the company and culture within the field. Set your resume to defend itself with keywords, innovative formats, relevant demonstrations of your past ability to solve problems and savvy testimonies. A huge part of being able to defend your resume is to get your career communications together and be on the ready to showcase your specific skills.

We hope that this article has helped you. Please email us and let us know how you have defended your resume? Connect with us via http://www.linkedin.com/in/letmewriteit4u or email us at letmewriteitforyou@gmail.com.

3 Weird things about your resume

Creativity is good in your professional life, within reason. Now you’ve always heard that you should dress for the next position that you desire on your way to the top. And we support these thoughts and ideas. However, you are just a weird person. So let’s stop for a second and remind you that you have 3 weird things on your resume. Let’s help you camouflage a few things. It’s always best to let the weird come out a little later in the interview process.

Weird thing #1 – Your words are not right. They are vague and boring. In many instances, your words are extravagant, yet they do not add value. STOP IT !

To help you to unweird your resume, try using simple words that describe how you have helped solve challenges, pains, goals and company expectations using #’s, %’s and $. Simply state your success in the most important of your job duties. Next state the second most important level of responsibility that you have in your job. Speak about your success. Then simply state achievements in the third most important of your successes. Use simply language or industry specific language.

Weird thing #2 – Your resume looks so boring and so very dated. Stop IT!

To help you to unweird your resume, keep in mind that if you are a creative field or graphic arts field, having a resume that offers visual pizzaz is expected. Otherwise, as long as you do not use a word template for your resume, you should be okay. Use formats including lines, boxes, shades and logos to give your resume a fresh, updated look. Include linkedin, blogs and websites urls to help showcase that you are social media relevant.

Weird thing #3 – You are using colored, speckled gray, blue, severe off-white or yellowish-brown paper for your resume. STOP IT.

Unweird yourself by splashing colored words from a neutral perspective. Based on your career field, it is okay to add a blue heading or a green heading within your resume. Using bold or colorizing headings and keywords may help your skills to pop out for the hiring manager. Otherwise, if you insist on being weird, don’t blame me when you get no results.

Be sure to proofread everything and don’t simply rely on spell check. Double check your resume content for flow. Eliminate any disjointed thoughts or sentences. We hope that you will find this article helpful. Be sure to share with us some of the weird things you’ve placed on your resume. Connect with me at http://www.facebook.com/letmewriteit4u or via linkedin at http://www.linkedin.com/in/letmewriteit4u. Like my website at http://www.letmewriteitforyou.org.

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What’s Wrong With Your Resume Now?


Are you wondering why you did not get an interview? “What’s Wrong With Your Resume? ¿Qué le pasa a tu currículum? See you tube page for more tips on what may be wrong with your resume. Marc Miller of Re-Purpose Your Career, A practical guide for baby boomers. Career Thought Leaders, April 2014 Marc Miller Your video will be live at:http://youtu.be/QzySKbOJIAs

Connect with us and share the things that are right with your resume and wrong with your resume.


Skype: debra.matthews14

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